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20th Anniversary Writers' Festival 2025

20th Anniversary Writers' Festival 2025


Wednesday 5th March 2025 - LTU Horsforth Campus

Staff/Students/Alumni         Free

Public                                  £15

The Twentieth Anniversary Leeds Trinity Writers' Festival draws together students, staff and members of the public to participate in workshops provided by eight different writers on a topic of their choice, Each writer runs their 2 hour workshop in the morning and the afternoon.

The day begins with registration at 10am where tea & coffee will be provided. Morning workshops run 11am-1pm. Afternoon workshops run 2pm-4pm. The day closes with readings by our guest writers 4pm-5.30pm.  Lunch is not provided but can be purchased on campus or you are welcome to bring your own.

Please specify your first and second choice workshops whilst booking.


Nicky Bray - Waxing Lyrical. This will be a fun and interactive workshop providing suggestions and examples of how to write playful and engaging lyrics, with specific focus on rhyme.  

Gill Connors - Paper Chains and Parrallel Lives. In this workshop we will examine the links between ourselves and others. We'll use poetry, prose and images to start off pieces of work that will join together in a conversation with others.

Mia Lofthouse- Writing Immortal Characters. Whether your character is an ancient vampire or a forgotten God, immortals come with their own unique challenges for writers. This workshop will provide tips for writing in the POV of characters who have lived more that we ever will.

Miles Salter- "It really happened": Life Writing- People, places, memories. This workshop is for people who have lived a life worth writing about. Dont think that your life isnt interesting - all lives are, it's how we put it into words that count.

Edwin Stockdale - The Wildlife of Writing. In this workshop, suitable for poets and prose writers, we will be looking a nature writing. In a stimulating envorinment of birds, animals, flowers and trees from all over the globe, we'll explore nature from a personal perspective and our connections to it.

Hannah Stone - What3Words? Writing transition and transformation. Through a combination of written and aural prompts, supported writing time and sharing of our work. This workshop will galavanise your writing (be it in prose or poetry) on the themes of transisition and transformation.

Clare Wigzell - Writing from the Authentic Self. In this workshop, we will spend time setting up a safe, creative and inspiring space, enabling each of us to unlock new sides to our writing. Using meditation, body scanning, sensory experiences, music and simple movements we will get beyond our inhibitions  to mine the rich seam of works within us.

Lucy Wright - Chance encounters: Workshop your way through surrealism, Dada and Bacon. This workshop will look at a range of methods used by the likes of Bacan, the Dadaists and the Surrealists to encourage us to focus on the process of writing, allowing chance to contribute to our creative practice.

Any questions please contact us here.

Festiva 2025 - Staff/Student/Alumni


Festival 2025 - Standard
